The Social Media Formula by Marie Forleo (With a Network Marketing Twist)


Gone are the days of the before and after non-stop posts or the perfect filtered “look at me” social media posts. Don’t get me wrong, there are MANY who are still at it and many are successful. Here’s what I want for YOU. I want YOU to be connecting authentically and showing up in a way that doesn’t feel like “baiting” for a lead or someone stole your phone. Here’s the deal: When you share content in a way that SERVES you will have people happy to support you when you ask for them to buy your product or share your service.

In this episode, I am going to share a strategy I learned from Marie Forleo to open the flood gate to ideas to post on your social channels. The KEY is to always ask yourself this question:

If my new friend from my Keto Recipe group where to stumble on my FB profile, would she find it inviting, entertaining and would she want to engage and share? Would she know my personality, or would she just see a filtered version of me? Remember: Content that serves sells.

Join me today as I outline for you FIVE categories of social media that will help you to connect, serve and ultimately GROW your business (And connect with cool people!)

I’m outlining a strategy that I learned from Marie Forleo, who is one of the first online entrepreneurs to introduce the concept of CONTENT that serves and connects. (I give you a little Network Marketing Spin!)


  • The MAP in 60 Seconds (This is a new feature on the show!) I give you one tip from the Millionaire Action Plan for Network Marketers and this week it is how to organize your new contacts on your list
  • How to NEVER feel awkward and “fake” on Social Media but show up as YOU (And connect like a queen)
  • The Five categories to post that will keep your content calendar full (And you won’t be staring at your phone with that “What do I post today face!”

Grab my FREE guide 10 Ways to get More Sales FAST


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