Hey bosses, welcome back. This episode feels a whole lot different than last week when I was recording. We’ve got big stuff going on and it feels very uncertain. And before we go into this episode with my guest today, I want to take a moment to tell you that it’s okay to just feel uncertain, and it’s okay to just take a moment. And as we talk in the network marketing space you build online, this is your time to show people your business opportunity and all of those things, but I want to bring you back to this, it’s about connection right now. It’s about who can we serve. It’s about who needs us to reach out to them and have a FaceTime because they’re isolated without family. I hope you’re listening to this in the future and you’re thinking, what is she talking about?
So, this episode will be airing with all of the quarantines and the self-isolation and dealing with the COVID-19 health pandemic. And you guys know that I’m all about building a business and strategy and you’re getting it. You’re going to get that on this episode, with my guest Todd Falcone, sharing with us about how to have the conversations, and how to show up in your business. Many of you know Todd as the Fearless Networker. He’s written many, many books. He has a book called the Fearless Networker. He’s been in the industry and now he coaches, with over 25 years in the profession. He talks about what are the revenue making activities and what does it take? What kind of work does it take to make the income that you desire? He teaches the fundamentals of success in network marketing; this is a powerful episode. I’d love for you to stick around and listen as I interview Todd Falcone.
• No Boss Talk: https://nobosstalk.com
• Monday Morning Routine: https://www.bethholdengraves.com/routine
• The Camp Elevate Facebook Group: https://thecampelevategroup.com
• Beth’s Instagram: @bethholdengraves
• Beth’s website: https://www.bethholdengraves.com
• Profit HER Way Course: https://www.bethholdengraves.com/profit
• 10 Ways: https://www.bethholdengraves.com/10ways
• Todd Falcone’s website: https://toddfalcone.com
• Todd Falcone’s 12-Week Training: https://toddfalcone.com/team
• Talk about the different, what you feel is the difference between connection, personal connection and what we’re seeing online and how someone listening that is stuck with their network marketing business or isn’t seeing the growth. (02:52)
• When I look at the way that was intuitive for me to build was I need to have a conversation. I need to have a connection and I want anyone that’s a part of the community to be with me for the long haul. (05:43)
• Here’s the thing, once you believe and you know that, and the truth shall set you free, right? (09:22)
• Now I’m not saying we don’t encourage people to do more and help push them away along and help them to develop a higher level of belief and maybe a deeper understanding of what they can do. (14:52)
• What is your biggest moment that you still think and it gives you chills to think about when you were working in the industry? (17:48)
March 23, 2020
Welcome to ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. If you are determined to break glass ceilings and build it your way, this show is for you. I’m your host Beth Graves, and I am obsessed with helping you to not just dream it, but make the plan, connect the dots and create what you crave. Are you ready? Let’s get started.
Hey bosses, welcome back. This episode is, it feels a whole lot different than last week when I was recording. We’ve got big stuff going on and it feels very uncertain. And before we go into this episode with my guest today I want to just take a moment to tell you that it’s okay to just feel uncertain and it’s okay to just take a moment and we talk in the network marketing space you build online. This is your time to show people your business opportunity and all of those things. But I want to bring you back to this is, it’s about connection right now. It’s about who can we serve. It’s about who needs us to reach out to them and have a FaceTime because they’re isolated without family. I hope you’re listening to this in the future and you’re thinking, what is she talking about?
So, this episode is airing with all of the quarantines and the self-isolation and dealing with the COVID-19 health pandemic. And you guys know that I’m all about building a business and strategy and you’re getting it. Going to get that today, and what Todd shares today with us is magical because he talks about how to have the conversations and how to show up in your business and I want to talk with you about how to take care of you before we jump into that episode. So, thank you for listening today and thank you for making me a part of your space. It really does mean so much to me and over in camp elevate on Facebook. That’s, that’s our community. We have been doing an abundance shift this week and it came at a perfect time because we all needed to just spend some time looking at our energy and looking at how we want to process what’s happening and I have a journal challenge and I’m encouraging you to come into the group and participate and we’re sharing affirmations all over the place along with intentional business activity.
We’re not only in there talking how to process all of the emotions and how to bring a higher vibration energy. We’re in there talking about how does that relates to business, as well as my very favorite journal activities. And I want to share that with you before we jump into the episode, and we’re doing it in the group. You can go to thecampelevategroup.com and I encourage you to do this. I’ve been doing it every morning since this pandemic started, or since I realized five days ago how serious it is. And I got this from Gabby Bernstein. And I journal, how do I want to feel? Who do I want to be? What do I want to receive, what do I want to give? And then I reaffirm how I want to feel. And then a thought download.
Just everything that comes up. And that has allowed me personally to just get into a better energetic space and then spend some time with quiet meditation and really, really focus on that morning routine. And then you can shift over to becoming the homeschooler, homeschool mom. The more meals that you’re making because more people are at home. How many of you have your college students at home? Maybe you have your parents living with you, but we’ve got this, we’ve got this together and I just want you to know that I wish you peace and I wish you strength. And if you need me reach out. I’m here. I’m a Facebook messenger, little conversation away over on Instagram. Come on over to camp and I want to start with that, and I really, really would love to see you guys in camp elevate because there’s so much support.
I’m watching people rise up and share live videos and share affirmations and we’re making business moves too, because at this time, those of you with a home based business with a net network marketing business know that there is a way that we can share that feels authentic. There’s somebody that needs your message today and I want you to realize that your conversation could literally shift a family’s financial situation right now. And it’s a tremendous gift and honor that we have. So, with that, I want to introduce our guest today. His name is Todd Falcone. Many of you know him as the Fearless Networker. He’s written many, many books. He has a book called the Fearless Networker and Todd chats with us today. He’s been in the industry and now he coaches, over 25 years in the profession. And what I like to think about, Todd, is he just cuts right to the chase. He talks about what are the revenue making activities and what does it take? What kind of work does it take to make the income that you desire? He teaches the fundamentals of success in network marketing, and this is a powerful podcast. So here we go. I’d love for you to stick around and listen as I interview. Todd Falcone.
Welcome Todd,
Great to be here. Beth. How you doing?
Well, happy to talk to you because this is, those of you that are listening in a timely manner, we’re experiencing something that we’ve never experienced or even imagined, and there are a lot of eyes and ears on building in the network marketing models. So, I wanted to bring what I think is the industry, the industry God, do you like me? Have you ever been called that?
I’ve never been called that one before.
So, people heard in the intro what you are all about, but if you are just meeting me for the first time and I didn’t already know about you through being a network marketer, how would you introduce yourself to me at a cocktail party?
How would I introduce myself? Well, my name is Todd. I’m a husband. I’m a father, I’m an entrepreneur. I’m a speaker and a trainer, been in the network marketing profession for 30 years, fell in love with this industry right when I looked at it conceptually, I was like, Oh my gosh, what’s not to get about this leveraged income? No boss. I never liked having a boss. I was never very a very employable person. So, I committed myself to the profession. I worked in the field for 15 and a half years and ultimately ended up speaking and training, not because I ever sought out to be a speaker or a trainer, but because I had a company I’d spent a long time with that unfortunately went out of business and somebody was kind enough to say, Hey, will you come and speak at one of my events? And I said, well, what do you want me to talk about? He’s like, dude, just come and talk about how you build your business. You’re great at it. And I was like, okay. So, I did. And now it’s 15 years later and here I am meeting you at this cocktail party. Kind of a weird introduction, but I find it if I would introduce myself quite like that. But get you get a little bit quick little background story.
I love it. And considering yourself unemployable because that’s how I ended up in network marketing. And the name of the podcast, You’re Not the Boss to Me, so I want to ask you right now, and I will share with everyone that when I had it on my vision board to have you on this podcast. So, I seriously manifested this interview and when I was introduced to you, the very first thing you said to me was what’s your phone number? And you are the very first person that I’ve interviewed or even anyone that has said, what is your phone number? And that to me shows me exactly why you’ve had the success in network marketing. And so talk about the different, what, what you feel is the difference between connection, personal connection and what we’re seeing online and how someone listening that is stuck with their network marketing business or isn’t seeing the, the growth. I think that that phone call showed me how you built your network marketing business and your coaching business.
Oh, for sure. And I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love technology. I love using social media. I’ve been around since before any of this stuff existed. Back in the day we were doing business opportunity presentations and then VHS tapes and cassette tapes and then CDs and then email came along. And so, I’ve always been an adopter of new technologies that we can use to build the business. But for me, it’s a person to person business, right? I mean, you’re buying because of the relationship typically you have with me. I know and I’ve done a lot of cold market prospecting and I’ve certainly built a lot of my business that way as well. But even then, it’s, it’s a phone call. I think what’s happening right now is a lot of people are leaning and this is just natural human behavior.
Human behavior is taking the easier road, right? If and what people perceive as the easier road is. Maybe if I could just, you know, throw out a bunch of stuff on social media or not have to talk to people. I can go build a big business and I don’t know how you could actually build a big business in network marketing when that’s lasting without having that human connection, without having that real like if you were going to sponsor me or I was going to sponsor you, I have to talk to you. I’m not going to just text message you back and forth or message you back and forth on Facebook. I need to have a chat with you and then figure out whether we make a good match and get to know you a little bit. And, and I’ve got this, my phone is the thing that’s made me more money than anything else before cell phones existed.
Now everybody’s got a phone in their hands. It’s funny because we were talking yesterday or day before, I can’t remember cause yesterday was like crazy day but, about this whole, you know, people going out into the marketplace and like thinking that they don’t have to make a phone call to build a business. And I like all the internet marketers, all these internet systems and marketing companies that have come along where it’s like, Hey, just like put a capture page together, drive traffic for swell. Dude. Seriously. Like most people don’t have a clue how to drive traffic. Like I’m a marketer, I’ve been in network marketing for years and you take a brand-new person and say, Hey, go drive traffic to this capture page. They’re like, what’s traffic? I don’t even know a traffic is you talking about other roads? And so I dunno, I just think that even to this day, like I’m the guy that is, well like even I ran a couple errands, actually left my house today for a little bit and the entire time I left my house I was on the phone checking in on some family members, checking in on some clients. But I think especially now people more than ever need to actually hear from you.
When I look at the way that was intuitive for me to build was, I need to have a conversation. I need to have a connection and I want anyone that’s a part of the community to be with me for the long haul. So today I have just picked up the phone and called the leaders and called and reached out to a new person that I noticed had put in a lot of orders and said, Hey, can I give you a quick call? And it’s interesting because I didn’t realize she had a large team and another company, she said, nobody has ever said, you give me a call. And I love this because I feel that some people want to be a part of what I tell people it takes because I will be honest and say you have to pick up, okay?
You can only do so much by sharing inside of a group or doing a live video and tagging someone. All of those are good tools. So, tell me more. We’re talking about connection, picking up the phone. I’m going to give you all of the maybe excuses or all of the fears that come up with people. So, one of the things they say is, Oh, gosh, people will roll my eyes when I, when I reach out because it’s like that network marketing thing. And so obviously you and I have the belief that this is the most exceptional business model. What’s your, what’s your answer to that?
Well, and you already answered it in the question, as people have a disbelief in what they’re involved in. And I think one of the biggest issues for people, I mean I speak all over the world for network marketing companies and there’s people in every room that are in, they have a distributor ID number, but they’re in a doubting position, you know, so they’re like, here’s, here’s a question I would pose for your listeners. Like if you’re involved in network marketing and the opportunity presents itself, like you’re engaging somebody in conversation, let’s say it’s in a social environment and you have it on your mind, Oh, I’d love to, you know, this is a perfect person for my business. And the opportunity was there, but then you didn’t seize the opportunity and say, listen, Hey, look, I’ve got this business I’m doing.
I think it would be great for with this, you know, are you open to keep or you keep your options open at all in terms of making money outside of what you’re doing or whatever the, whatever the question is. If you don’t do it yet, the opportunity presented itself, you’ve got to ask yourself right then and there, why didn’t I do it? What was like the predominant thought or feeling, and of course it’s, Oh, I didn’t want to, you know, I don’t want them to judge me. I didn’t want, you know, I didn’t want to be rejected. It’s any number of, you know, not that many different fears, but a handful of different fears. But the biggest fear that I find is people are too concerned about how somebody’s going to respond to them if they’re involved in network marketing.
It’s like, Oh, why don’t you network marketing people so well then just don’t be one of those people, right. Step up your game, right to do it in a professional manner. It’s like, yeah, the friend that calls you up and lies to you and says, Hey, I’m having a cocktail party at my house. Come on down. Whole bunch of people are coming over and bring some of your friends and they lube you up a little bit and the next thing you know, here comes a whiteboard out from behind the whatever, and they start pitching you a deal that’s just classless. Like, it’s fine. Hey, I’m having a party. I’m having a bunch of people over, we’re going to share some folks, some of our products and what we’re doing in our business, but it’s going to be mostly fun. We’re going to spend a couple of minutes talking about that.
Now they know what they’ve gotten themselves into and they can say yes or no to that invite. But you know, not telling the truth is to me just stupidity, right? And I think people really have to, if they’re struggling, they got to get themselves into this. Like if somebody came to your, I know this is fact, like, and they said, is this network marketing? Your answer would be absolutely it is. You wouldn’t even hesitate. You wouldn’t be like, no. Well, uh, you know, uh, you wouldn’t stammer. You would be super confident knowing. Because here’s the thing, once you believe and you know that, and the truth shall set you free, right? So, when you understand the legitimacy and what network marketing is, not that, you know, I mean, it’s work. You know what? You gotta hustle, you gotta work, you gotta put the time, the effort and energy in. But for somebody, but that puts the time, effort, and energy in it’s going to work. If they do it, which a lot of people don’t, they kind of come in and they dilly dally around and then there, Oh, it didn’t work for me. I’m like, dude, it didn’t work for you. You reached out to three people in nine months. That’s why it didn’t work for you. Not that it’s not that the model didn’t work is that you didn’t work within the model.
So yes, so the, so we have an, a lot of people show up and say they’re doing the work because they’re showing up on the team’s zooms and the events and, and for many people they just want to hang out and have a good time, but don’t expect the money to come because honestly the amount of effort equals the amount of your commissions people. Just a few people may get lucky, but right. It is work. So, if you, many, many listeners today, many of our, we call them our bosses, are out there and they’re listening to this podcast and suddenly there’s been a shift in their life. This was just their Disney money bank account and now they’re needing to make this more their mortgage money or their career money. What would that day if I was new and coming to you or just maybe I wanted to go from $200 a week to $20,000 a week. How would you coach me? What would you say?
Wow, that’s a great question. I would say first of all, you, I’d ask you how coachable are you? Are you coachable? Are you willing to follow directions? If you don’t follow directions, like I look for three things in people, number one, desire, and if they really have the desire to change, that’s the first thing. Number two, coachability, are you coachable? And number three, the willingness to initiate. So those are three, like if I was building a business today, those would be three main things that I would require. Because if you’re going to come in and try to reinvent the wheel and do it your way, the reality is you don’t even have a way. Right. So, I would say you got to come in, plug in and play with the system, follow directions, and then come in with an understanding that it doesn’t happen overnight.
Skills take time to accumulate. Volume takes time to accumulate. People take time to accumulate. I do think because people who have worked for a living in an employed capacity for all of their lives, they have very specific expectations around earnings. Like I worked for two weeks, I get a check, I worked for two weeks, I got a check, a new person coming to this profession. You could work for two weeks and not get a check. It’s all as you know, based on production. So, I would, I would have to have this conversation with an individual. If you’re saying I’m making $200, what is it going to take me to get to $20,0000 a month or $20,0000 a week? I would have to have this conversation with this individual. So, it so that they’re clear on what the expectation is and what is going to be required for them to get there and let’s just keep it at $20,000 a month for a second.
If it was $20,000 a month, I’m going to tell you, look, it’s going to take you some time to get there week and get there. How much time do you have available and that you’re willing to commit to the business because these are like agreements that you have to have to have between a sponsor and the new person because a new person coming in and says, I want to make $20,000 a month. I’m like, okay, cool. When do you want to do that? I’d like to get that done next month. I’m like, okay, well that’s probably not going to happen. And number two, how much time do you get? Can you put it in? I can put in 30 minutes a week. Well, total mismatch around what they want and what they’re willing to put in. So, but if a person says, look, I want to make $20,000 a month in this business and I don’t care how long it takes and I’ve got 20 hours a week specifically dedicated to the business, what should I be doing?
Well, first of all, we want to make sure your armed. We want to make sure you understand the process, we want to make sure you understand how to invite, we want to make sure that you are plugged into what we do and then I would get you into a very specific action mode of look every single day, revenue producing activities. The most important thing that anyone should do, whether they’re a high level leader or whether they’re just getting started in this business, is I got to go put customers on our product and I got to go put distributors in the business. If we look at network marketing in its most simplistic format, there’s only two things we do. We get people in and we keep them in, right? We get customers in and we get distributors in and we do things after they become a customer or we’ve in this case made a sale, which a sale is the first month.
It’s a customer, somebody who repeats after that. And then the distributor, you’ve got to understand that most people will have like a countdown timer on them and we don’t know when the timer is going to go off. Some for somebody it might be three months, somebody, it might be six months, somebody might be a year. And as you kind of briefly mentioned, some people are just hanging out and though they will hang out forever and not make any money but love the community. The other thing is I don’t like pressuring those people. If you’re totally happy and you’re like, I love coming to the events and I’ve got some customers, maybe got a couple of reps, I make a hundred bucks a month, but you know, there’s going to be people on your team that are making $100 a month and that’s fine.
But if you are like both the trainer at the gym and you’re the big buff Bo the trainer, and every time I come into the gym, you’re like, dude, you need to lift more weights. How come you’re not pump, pump, pump? And I’m just coming in there to get a little cardio, stay a little limber, and I’m not looking to look like Bo. And every time I come in and Bo’s going ‘Come on now!’ You know what’s going to ultimately happen is I’m not going to come back to the gym anymore because you’ve made it uncomfortable for me to come back to the gym. Now I’m not saying we don’t encourage people to do more and help push them away along and help them to develop a higher level of belief and maybe a deeper understanding of what they can do. But there are so many people at different levels that come into this business.
And honestly, most of our businesses are built on part-timers. A great majority of the people are never going to go make six figures plus a year because most people aren’t willing to do the work for the long enough period of time to make that happen. Because look, you know, it really, I’ll just say it, it pisses me off to be honest with it. Pisses me off that people think that we’re a get rich quick business, because we’re definitely not. Can you get wealthy in this business? Yes, you can. Can you create a tremendous lifestyle change? Absolutely you can, but it comes with the price. It comes with the price of sweat equity over an extended period of time. Facing your fears and being willing to, you know, okay, if I got to know I’m going to move on to the next person, I’m not going to go lay on the couch for the next week because somebody decided not to do my business.
So, I mean, look you, you came into this business and, and hustled and achieved great success in a short period of time. I started at age 22 and struggled for two years. But either my naivete or my desire, I don’t know what it was, but I stayed long enough to see the result. Maybe I was just stubborn. I don’t even, because it’s so long ago, I don’t know. I just knew that if I kept at it long enough, I’m going to get what that guy has. And so, I just wanted it that bad and I didn’t, you know, you and I are very much like, like I’m, I’m like psychologically unemployable. I don’t play well with that. I mean I play well with others, but I don’t play well with others. I couldn’t even imagine like going to work for somebody else because I’ve now obviously over the years discovered the beauty of what a network marketing can do for you.
Okay. So much great, great information there. And I am taking mad notes because it’s just things that over and over again. And I loved when you said it’s not a get rich quick thing. It is something. And the thing that I get pretty emotional about is when people quit too early and then I, then I see them struggling later down the road or they might come back in those people, I always say like turn the lights on for your business every single day the lights go on for your business. Someone reached out to me this week and she said, I have to get six new customers, blah blah blah. And she hasn’t turned her lights on for her business in three months. I didn’t even know she was still in the game. And so I think about just showing up every day to work and doing those revenue producing activities.
Right. Ha. Getting the new customers in. So with that, you said you didn’t have success for two years, but you, you know, you’re a 22 year old stubborn watched people I’m sure and said I can have what he has. I’m going to stay until, what was your biggest, like whether you are standing on a stage, you opened a commission report, someone else in your network had been able to leave a nine to five. What is your biggest moment that you still think, and it gives you chills to think about when you were working in the industry?
There were, I can literally point to one very specific one, which is at the Bonaventure hotel in Los Angeles in 1991 I was at an event and there are actually two things that took place at that same event. One of them was, here’s this guy that was the leader of our company who was even to this day was one of the most amazing people on the platform I’ve ever seen, had made millions and millions of dollars in the business. And he had, it was interesting, he showed this video, actually I have it, I pulled it out from, and I showed it to my wife like couple of weeks ago and he had this video of him and I think like 1986 giving a whiteboard presentation in the 1980s like, Oh, whiteboard pens were like really squeaky. So, when you wrote, it was like every time you touched it, rain and they like made noise, they finally fixed that.
Right? And I watched him give this presentation and he was pathetic. Like he was terrible. Like it was bad. He looked bad; the presentation was just eh. And there he is up there and I thought Oh my gosh, 86 to 91 if that guy can go from there to there and whatever five years I got a chance even if I do 5% of what that guy did in that period of time. Thank you, Lord, I have a chance. So, it allowed me to see, cause a lot of times people, I think Natalie Cole is the one that has this quote, but people always see the glory, they don’t know the story, they see where you are and they see what you’ve got. And I think it’s must have always been that way, but they don’t know the journey and the process that you had gone through to get there.
And the second thing, and it was at that same event, it was interesting. I had two big Epiphanes at that event. My sponsor was sitting right next to me and I, you know, from the moment I signed up I was, I had the work ethic, I had people in my office like, dude, you’re like the hardest working guy here. Like I showed up, I listened, I followed instructions. I was hungry, but I wasn’t really seeing the result and my buddy looked at me, so he, this guy was doing this skit basically. He did use these different characters and, and taught lessons through like character skit and he was playing the joker and essentially am I going to go through the whole skip? But essentially it was like lighten up man, have a good time, enjoy the journey, giggle. This should be fun for you.
And I was so serious. Like I’ve always treated my business series but I was so serious, like so grinding serious that I was pushing people away from me and my, I remember my sponsor sitting on my right, he just looked at me and it’s funny cause like his, I can see his face almost like the joker. He was a tech, that’s you Falcone. And I was like, yeah it is. And what’s fascinating is I went home from that event and I was doing like 13,000 a month in volume, which was good, you know, decent volume. But by the end of that month we, we pushed that volume up over 65,000 in one month. And I was not even like, I was like 8, 10, 12, 9, 6. I had one good month. By the end of that month we took, you know, that volume significantly up over a period of like two weeks.
And it was, it was simply like a, a shift in my attitude and how I approached people. And it was wow, if that guy can go from there to here, I got a chance. So, it was like this whole mental shift that took place inside of me and I had a huge breakthrough that month. It was big in fact that that that month I had. And then I got the check from that month and that, and it was interesting because I was at 13,000 in volume and it was like 60 I don’t remember the total amount of sales volume and then the end of the month. But my check I got the next month was right around $13,000 and I was like, what? I’d never seen $13,000 in my life. So then that check to me was also the proof like Oh yeah, if I can do that, I can do that again. So, I think we go through life and we have different like lessons and Epiphanes but that’s definitely something that’s super clear in my brain.
I can get that shift from you probably because you were doing all things right. The prospecting, the phone calls. And that’s that shift of belief. And also, when I hear you say that like be the joker of the people actually feel that energy of not having that pressure. Like Oh he knows he’s bringing me into a successful organization. And so that shift into belief is so big. And that I think is where you look at the glory and it might seem easy for someone that has had success to have those conversations. So, if you haven’t had the glory yet, you don’t have that confidence. What is your, what is your suggestion for that?
Well, you have to lean on other pillars. So, for example, it just because you haven’t had the success you don’t like, it’s one thing if you, once you have the check, you’re like, okay, I get it. Right. The proof is in the pudding. It’s, it’s right in my hand. Okay. I know it works because I got the check. But before you have the check, what do you lean on? Well we have to lean on the success of other people. So, our people, and you got to ask yourself, are people in network marketing making money? And I think any person that’s in any business, whether they’ve made anything or not, will say, yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. People are making money in network marketing. Are they making the kind of money and their life that you might like to have in your life? Oh yeah. No, I definitely know people are making money.
I’d love to have what they got. Well, I mean that should give you enough belief in the business model of network marketing that it works, that it works, right? And then look at your company, are people making money in your company? And very likely there are lots of people that are having huge success in whatever company that you’re involved in. And so that’s another thing that you can lean on. So not only do you know that network marketing works, but you know that people in your company, there are people in your company are getting results. So those are things like that. Like those are pillars of belief, right? Those are pillars of belief that you can lean on. Now, interestingly enough, and I’ll share this with you, we always have to be working on our mindset. It’s like a never-ending process. Like I have a coaching client right now who, you know, I think prior to her being involved in network marketing, she was maybe maximum $50,000 a year as a massage therapist.
And in four years she made $1,500,000 and four years in network marketing, which is far beyond $50,000 a year. That would be like what, roughly $200,000 and she did one of the biggest mistakes that I talk about in network marketing actually called the kiss of death and network marketing, which is the moment you go from personal recruiting and sponsoring to only working with people on your team. Now I understand when you start, it’s just you and you’re all alone. Now you’ve got a couple of customers, you’ve got to service your customers, you’ve got to call, have a couple of reps. you’re helping those reps and then now you’ve got a bigger team. Now you have a bigger team, now you’re having more demands on your time. People are calling you and I have questions or support, or three way calls where you talk to this person to help me out.
And so you have this natural gravitational pull towards supporting your team, which is part of our responsibility. But the one thing that you never do is you never stop personally producing. And unfortunately, a lot of people get to a comfortable position and they stopped doing the things that got them there in the first place. And she had gone into management mode for a period of like a year and a half where she just went into play land. And as a result of that, her check flattened and then her check started to dissipate and her check continued to start, continue to dissipate. And she said to me, she said, I just don’t know if I believe in this. I’m like, are you freaking kidding me? If I could come up there, I can’t. You’re in Vancouver, I can’t touch you right now. But I would like to grab you by the throat and shake you.
I wouldn’t literally do that obviously, but look, girl, how much did you make again in the last four years? Because I made a million and a half. I said, how much are you making before she goes, you know, I was making like maximum 50 grand a year. Stop there for a second. That’s your pillar that you should be leaning back on. So, here’s a person that already built a business. Had created a huge level of success and then she was operating from a position of disbelief. And the reason was she, again, because she stopped working and there there’s so many, cause I deal only like coaching wise and working with people with, you know, six figure, seven figure earners and I mean occasionally I’ll coach somebody that I’m very selective with like my one on one coaching cause it’s my time but most of the people are pretty high level earners and a lot of them are people that just got off the horse for too long and they need help kind of getting their butt back in gear.
And it’s cool because I actually talked to her day before yesterday and she’s like I’m so glad we had that conversation. She goes I’m back on fire again. I put four new associates in so far this month, and this was what, maybe the 7th of March I think when I talked to her. So, she was already back, you know, in the saddle. And I can tell from her whole attitude like she’s like I’m in, I’ve got I’m, I got it. Because we had this conversation about you need to lean on that pillar of belief that you already have done it. So, for you to say that you can’t do it or that you don’t believe anymore is ridiculous. So, doesn’t matter where we’re at. I mean you can be new, or you could have been in the business. You need to stay. Like staying in action is, is critical. Even like now, like given like, I don’t know when you’re releasing this, but I’m assuming he’s going to be pretty soon.
Monday. Okay. Monday. So, we’re in the midst of all this stuff, right? Yeah. We more than ever I think need to stay in action because if you’re sitting at home on your couch, that’s not helping you. If you’re sitting here like, Oh, my gosh, like I’m just going to sit on my TV and watch news all day, which is basically the same thing over and over again. It’s not helping you as a network marketer. Those of you that are listening that aren’t involved in the net in the network marketing profession, I would say to you it’s more important than ever that you step up to a higher level of responsibility because we are truly a home based business. We are, you know, I’ve been to many events where they’re talking about the gig economy and how the gig economy is impacting that. We’re marketing because it’s a choice like Uber, Lyft, Airbnb.
Right now that’s not a choice. All of those are impacted. There’s no, all the Uber drivers are out of business right now. My friend who I talked to a couple of days ago, she has an Airbnb all cancellations. She was totally locked up, completely booked constantly. No nothing. She’s going to have no income from that for at least you know who knows the foreseeable future. But here what we have in network marketing at home, home base business, you can do it wherever you are as long as you’ve got access to a phone and a computer and you can reach out to people. You can build a business and if you’re listening to this, watching this hour is delivered, I would suggest to you that if you’re not involved in network marketing or grow direct sales, go find somebody who is and get involved. Because not only are you going to have the ability to earn income without having a job, but most people don’t even talk about this. The tax advantages of being involved in home-based business, if you’re w-2 employee are substantial. So you, before you’ve even made a dime, you’ve actually increased your income substantially even without having yet made a single penny in whatever network marketing business that you’re involved in.
That’s pure gold. And we’ll end with, with one thing. And I’m, I’m so happy that you touched on that because this is Monday. And so, most of us have our kids at home doing virtual schooling. Many people are out of a job and you talked about mindset and that right now, and in my opinion is the muscle that needs to be flexed the most and getting back into the belief. So, the last piece is in order to stay in the game, having those conversations, not having fear around asking people for money because you know what you can deliver. What would you suggest for that shift? If people are feeling scarcity, scared, fear, not asking for money. What do you have a routine? Do you have a book? Do you, do you use affirmations? Give us a little closes up with your best. Keeping that mindset strong.
I would say it’s a couple things. You need to be in a book. You need to be in an audio. You need to be in a video. You need to be doing something that’s like helping your brain, like giving yourself some kind of good mental nutrition, which is not the news and certainly right now it is not your newsfeed. You know the newsfeeds and Facebook? Yeah, there may be entertaining up until a few weeks ago, they ain’t entertaining anymore. I don’t even want to look at my newsfeed, so I would stay away from the newsfeed. I would suggest you stay close to the fire. What I mean by close to the fire is you stay close to the people. Obviously not literally close because we have Sue social distancing, right? But figuratively close to the people that are producing. So if you’re in a company, in every company, in whatever the situation is, whether we’re dealing with now or any other time, there’s always people that are in and doing and coming up with every reason to let’s go cross this thing.
And then there’s a group of people, no matter how good your deal is that are like, ah, I dunno, it’s and they don’t like the logo. They don’t like this or coming up with excuses and who are you going to follow? I’m going to follow the doers and I have a phrase that I use on stage, do what the doers are doing, don’t do what the doctors are doing. And I know if you’re a mathematic, if you’re, excuse me, an English teacher, like that’s not correct. That’s actually doubly incorrect. I know English, I get it. But you understand what I’m saying is follow the producers to stay close to the fire. Make sure you’re staying plugged in, make sure you’re staying around and plugged into the trainings that you’re plugging into, the resources that you’re plugging in to the things that are going to feed you the right kind of information that’s going to help you grow.
And then the last thing I would say is, you know, especially with all of us that are home, I mean the, our days are long now because we’re at home and we can’t even really go anywhere. My days, the last few days have been super short. Because like yesterday I did nine hours of zoom trainings, nine hours. And so, I was exhausted at the end of the day, but it was like the day flew by because I was so productive all day. So, I would say now as a network marketer, there is no better time. In fact, let me actually end with this one thing. When it comes to inviting somebody to take a look at your business right now, like if in a normal environment, not this thing that we’re dealing with right now. I was in the middle of launching my business and I’m reaching out to somebody who I had not yet actually approached.
I would have no problem picking up the phone and saying, Hey Beth, Todd Falcone. How’s it going? Good. What’s up? Real quick, catch up. Listen, I’ve only got a couple minutes. Carla and I are super excited. We just recently launched a new business. I’d love to show you what I’m up to. If I sent you a video, would you spend 15 minutes taking a look at it today? I’ll call you back this afternoon. I’ve got to go. I’ve got another appointment I’ve got to get to and be in that kind of rush. I’m not saying we do it exactly like that every single time, but now I think we have to have a little bit more sensitivity. Right? So, if you’re my friend, I’ve known you for a long time. I haven’t talked to you in a bit. I’d be like, Beth, Hey, what’s up? How are you? How are you?
How are you guys doing? You know, how are you guys holding up? What’s going on? What’s happening in your state? I would slow it down a little bit and have a little bit more of a conversation. Not that I wouldn’t do it under a normal market situation, but I would definitely probably take two steps back and definitely pay more attention and yeah, listening to you and then I would have absolutely no problem right now saying, look, I’ve got a business that is not at all reliant on you having to go to work. I’d feel foolish. I’d feel awful if I didn’t at least give you a chance to say no to me. I’ve got this video. Take a look at it. If this is something that vibes with you, let’s chat about it if no big deal, but I got to show you this because I’d hate to not have shared this with you given what we’re going through at the moment, and this is definitely a time to be inviting people to take a look at your products, your business.
It’s not a time to be sitting around worrying. You got to be the warrior, not the warrior. Right? You got to be somebody who’s willing to step up. Worry, Dr. Wayne Dyer had a quote. All worry is a waste of time. And when I first heard that, I was like, man, that’s brilliant. Because every time I’ve ever worried or been stressed out, it’s like how has this helped in this situation? It’s not helping the situation. We need people that are stepping up as leaders, as warriors and not going to get sucked into all the things that are currently taking place and the environment that we’re in.
Thank you. And, and that last piece that answered a lot of questions for me as well in terms of that reach out and how, how the flow of that goes. And I know that the name of the podcast will be the warrior or worrier. And yeah. So, I know that you are doing a lot of serving right now to train network marketers to, to give them ideas just like that. Where do people find you get in touch with you? See, I know that your life quite a bit on Facebook but tell us how we can connect with you.
Yeah, for sure. I mean the best place to catch me as on my website, ToddFalcone.com which is TODDFALCONE.com. You can plug in; I release a new video every week. So, I am constantly pumping out new free content. And this book that I have right here on my desk, fearless networking, we give this away for free. All you do is pay shipping and handling. We’ve sold over 400,000 copies of this book, which is nuts. Ah, that’s a lot. That’s a lot of copies for a network marketing book. I mean, you know these bestselling Koontz or some of these authors that you find on the, on the bookshelves, they sell millions of copies, but not often are you seeing somebody to sell them hundreds of thousands of copies of a network marketing book. But we’ve done really well with that because it covers a lot of the very fundamentals and it’s, it’s an easy read.
It’s 108 pages and as content from cover to cover. And then the one last thing I’ll say for people that if you’re struggling to keep your head in the game right now, which some of you are, I get it. I understand it. I run a 12-week 90 day program called a team that’s starting on April 14th that I would certainly invite you to participate in the website for, that’s ToddFalcone.com/team, TEAM and the details are very explicit on the page. I go through what it is, but because of what we’re going through right now, and so many people need to keep their heads in the game, I dropped the price dramatically. Like we’ve always started 500 bucks for that 12-week program. I called my team the other day and I said, let’s just cut the price way down to 99 bucks. So, I had them change the page and all of that. So what I want to do is, is take an army of people who maybe struggling right now to stay focused and keep as a group as possible with their head in the right direction and their eye on the prize, which is pretty necessary right now. So, if somebody is interested in that, they can go scope that out if they want.
Great. And we’ll put all the links in the show notes. So, thank you. Thank you, Todd. And I look forward to, I want to have you on again after we get through the pandemic. And I also would love for anybody that sees us where on if you’re on Instagram, go ahead and put this in your stories and, and I want you to share something when you’re, when you’re on social media that you took away today about being fearless, be the warrior, not the worrier. Go check out all of Todd’s social media. Go to that website, take a look for $99 to have somebody that’s mentoring and coaching you during this time is huge. And I mean, that is just basically giving away your time. So, thank you. And, we’ll catch you guys all next week.
Thank you so much for hanging with us today on You’re Not the Boss of Me. Again, I want to invite you over to camp elevate as I know that the supportive community is going to really serve you right now and we have a journaling challenge and also I’m coming up this week. I am going to give you a very simple daily intentional plan as Todd talked about the revenue making activities, how to have those conversations in a time of uncertainty, so head on over to thecampelevategroup.com the link is below or wherever you’re listening to this. You will, you will find us, I promise, and yeah, I would love to hear from you. I would love to hear from you over an Instagram. I’d love to hear from you on Facebook. Let me know how everything is going and as I create content, I’m going to create a lot of podcast episodes for you all.
I would love to hear what you want to have coming out for you. What are the areas that you want to grow? If you know some people, that would be awesome guests. Send those my way. I want to make this podcast our podcast, and so as I have time to create the content during our self-isolation and our stay at home time with our family, I wanted to create that content, so please send it my way and as always be well be healthy and I’m praying for you and holding you up in light and love during this uncertain time. I’ll see you next week.
Thanks so much for hanging out with me today on ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’. I’m hoping that you’ve found one thing that you will do today that will allow you to move forward to that big, audacious goal. And I have a favor to ask of you, and that is leaving me a five-star review over in iTunes every single week. I read your reviews. I love hearing what you have to say, and it allows me to bring you more, to get more people to interview that are doing the thing, breaking the glass ceilings, creating what they crave, and helping you with your game plan. So, leave me a five-star review, and when you do, I will enter you to win the ‘You’re Not the Boss of Me’ swag. So, make sure you leave it and we’ll reach out to you if you’re the winner. Thanks so much for hanging with me today and we’ll chat with you soon.